Halloween’s real trick is the treats

This was my first Halloween without candy. That’s big. Seems like an oxymoron to mark All Hallow’s Eve without a sugar rush, right? The $8 billion U.S. candy market is counting on it and so, this holiday (horror-day!) is more about the treats than any tricks. I remember my elementary school years, going door-to-door with a plastic pumpkin and UNICEF box to gather candy and pennies. We lived in a […]

Provence lavender field. PHOTO Shutterstock

Meet my daily fix of lavender

Get swept away in a field of organic lavender PRODUCT REVIEW Bulgarian Lavender Hand & Body Lotion by Desert Essence ORGANICS 8 fl. oz. | MSRP $8.99 I discovered this lotion at Whole Foods Market while on the prowl for a naturally scented almond lotion. While I did find the almond version by Desert Essence, I couldn’t resist also buying this one. It hooked me immediately. That was several years ago […]